Friday, September 3, 2010

Paris Hitlon have to pay $ 160,000

Hot and Sexy Actress and model Paris Hilton may have to pay $160,000 after her film bombed.The Solicitor on behalf of the producer told that Paris Hilton has been successfully failed to promote 2006 comedy National Lampoon’s Pledge This! They added,"though Paris Hilton is not negligent for commercial failure,but she my have to pay $160,000 to the project investor's as a damage.When Paris Hilton refused interviews with publications in Russia and the United Kingdom, then U.S district judge Federico Merino ruled against her in Miami, Florida.The judges have told that,She may have to pay the damages to producers Worldwide Entertainment Group Inc.if it can be seen that she has breached the contract so it cannot be finalize at a first glance. The judge told in his original ruling that Paris Hilton is not Guilty for the flop because for the flop because the movie was “hardly destined for critical acclaim”It has been alleged that Paris Hilton has been disenchanted and lost herself from the movie when extra nudity scenes were attached in addition. and this is the current legal problem for Paris.

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