Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rachel needs a sensible decision

After the breaking up with her relationship from Darren Aronofsky, Rachel Weisz, a beautiful British actress, is reluctant to shift back to Britain with her four year old son Henry and seeks to stay back in New York.

She has been continuously asked by others about her plan to move to United Kingdom again. A source says, “Rachel Weisz refuses to return though Rachel has got a home in North London but still wants to stay put in New York so that her
son Henry can remain close to her father out there where they can also find a joint custody for the boy. Their relation now is described as friendly split; they just chosen their own way to stay alone.”

Recently, many reports affirm that, “Weisz has grown close to Daniel Craig. They both have done a marvelous job in the up coming movie named Dream House for which the shooting is taking place in Canada now. They both match well (Daniel and Rachel); while Darren is nice and responsible person, Daniel is just the opposite; dark and strange.” The couple’s distance have grown greater now and is seen to spend much of the
time separately each following their own path.

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